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2016 - 2022

Federal University of Minas Gerais |
Doctorate degree

PhD in Sociology

2014 - 2015

Federal University of Minas Gerais |Master's degree

Master's in Sociology

2009 - 2013

Federal University of Minas Gerais |Graduation

Degree in Social Sciences



JPAL - Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab |
Senior Associate for Research and Training

He currently works as Senior Research and Training Associate at the Latin America and Caribbean office of JPAL - “Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab” . At JPAL he works on the Partnerships with Governments program in Brazil, specifically in the partnership with the Comptroller General of the Union (CGU) of Brazil.

2020 - 2023

Government of Minas Gerais - SEDESE | 
Data scientist

As a Data Scientist at SEDESE's Minas Gerais Data Office, I was responsible for
taking care of the Secretariat's main databases and analyzing and generating sociodemographic data with the intention of scientifically supporting the social development policies created in the body. It helped in the diagnosis, monitoring and evaluation of public policies developed in this body. Among the most common tasks were: extraction, manipulation, storage and analysis of databases; writing various reports, creating Dashboards, as well as generating tables, graphs, maps and statistics – using the R language. We used databases such as CadÚnico, PNAD, Demographic Census, School Census, RAIS, SIM, etc.

2022 - 2023

Afro-Data - CEBRAP | 
Researcher/Data Scientist

Data Scientist at Afro-Dados, a data office focused on developing scientific research on the racial problem and racial inequalities in Brazil. The office is based at Cebrap and is led by professor Dr. Márcia Lima (DSO-USP).

2021 - 2023

Betânia Tanure Associados | 

Organizational consultant for the area of Organizational Network Analysis, working on projects that involve mapping the relational dynamics of companies to plan interventions aimed at changing the company's organizational culture. 

2021 - 2021

Solidarity Research Network |
Researcher/Data Scientist

I participated, as a researcher/data scientist, in theSolidarity Research Network. I worked on "bulletin 34", which deals with the analysis of Covid mortality in Brazil and its impact on the size of occupation. Among the tasks were the manipulation, cleaning and analysis of the SIM database - Mortality Information System and the use of regression models to calculate odds ratios for deaths from Covid among different racial and occupational groups.

2023 - 2024

MOA LAB, USP Faculty of Medicine (University of São Paulo) |
Data Manager

I worked as a Data Manager at the MOA LAB (Malaria Immunity, Genetics and Population) at USP, researching the Epidemiology of Malaria in the Amazon. In Brazil, the research was led by Prof. Dr. Marcelo Urbano (USP). At a global level, I was part of the Data Management Center, led by Profa. Dr. Márcia Castro, from Harvard University. The research involved teams from three countries: USA, Brazil and Peru. Among my functions was the management of data (treatment, review, allocation in local repositories) that arrived from the field carried out in the Amazon and the dialogue with the Data Management team in the USA, to allocate the data in the data repository of the NIH (National Institute of Health), the US health research agency, the main funder of the research.


Programming languages

  • R, Python and SQL

Cloud computing

  • AWS and Posit (formerly RStudio Cloud)

Network Analysis Software

  • R (igraph, statnet), UCINET, Pajek, Gephi

Visualization and graphs

  • ggplot (R package), Looker (formerly Google Data Studio) and Power BI



  • Advanced / Fluent


  • Intermediary


  • Debutant

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