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Organizational Network Analysis (ONA) and organizational culture change

In this project, I developed an innovative methodology that uses metrics and Network Analysis techniques to map relational dynamics in business organizations with the purpose of selecting the company members most capable of leading organizational culture change processes. The methodology was applied in three cases, in which companies aimed for a positive change in their organizational culture. This same methodology can be adapted to processes in which companies want: retention of talents; reducing conflicts and increasing collaboration between the organization's niches/sectors; acceleration of the adoption of an innovation; facilitation of merger processes between companies (merger integration),etc. 


"Covid Bulletin" project

The covid 34 bulletin project analyzed deaths from Covid-19 in 2020 in Brazil, focusing on the occupations carried out by workers and the sex and race/color attributed to the person who died. The data came from SIM - Mortality Information System, from DataSUS. We used regression models to determine the chances that black men and women had of dying from Covid in relation to white people in different occupational groups. The results were impactful and received wide publicity in newspapers such asSP sheet, Estadão,Economic value, The globe,Piauí magazine and G1. The full bulletin can be accessed here:link. The analysis scripts in R language are in thegithub

​Minas Gerais Multidimensional Poverty Index


In this project, carried out within the scope of the Social Data Office of Minas Gerais (SEDESE-MG), I created a Multidimensional Poverty Index (IPM) for the state of Minas Gerais based on the methodology developed byAlkire & Foster at the University of Oxford. The index (IPM) is made up of four dimensions (education, work and income, infrastructure/sanitation and standard of living) and 14 indicators; and used the Cadúnico databases from 2019 to 2022. The IPM served as the basis for diagnosing poverty in the state, which made up the State Plan to Combat Poverty that is currently being created by the Government of Minas. The project also involved an analysis that contrasted IPM results with more monetarist approaches to measuring poverty. The IPM was presented to the World Bank and its use was improved following recommendations received from bank experts. The methodology was also presented at the ANPOCS 2022

Covid bulletin - version 2


The first "Covid Bulletin" covered data from the SIM (Mortality Information System) for the year 2020. In this second project on covid, we returned to the SIM data, but looking at the bases for the years 2020 and 2021. This time we also looked for other aspects, in addition to the differences in the chances of death between whites and blacks in occupational groups. For example: changes in the mortality pattern of racial groups throughout the pandemic; changes in mortality rates relative to the population of racial groups in each major geographic region, etc. The results of this second version of the bulletin will still be released. 


State Plan for Promoting Social Development in Minas Gerais

I worked on the construction of the Plan to Combat Poverty in Minas Gerais, which will guide all actions and policies carried out by the Government of Minas Gerais with the aim of tackling poverty and promoting socioeconomic development in the state for the next 10 years. I worked on the following stages of the plan: Review of the main concepts of poverty in vogue, Joint validation of the notion of poverty guiding the plan, Diagnosis of poverty in the state, Benchmarking of the main anti-poverty policies created at national and international levels, Definition of parameters of monitoring
and Evaluation of the plan.


Assessment of the 2030 Agenda and the UN Decade on African Descent with a focus on the racial dimension

Project in progress:

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